
General objective

The aim of BIOGAS3 is to promote the sustainable production of renewable energy from the biogas obtained of agricultural residues and food and beverage industry waste (agro-food waste) in small-scale concepts for energy self-sufficiency.

Specific objectives (during the action):

  1. To identify the end-user needs and difficulties encountered for implementation of AD technology in each participating country. An in-depth diagnosis will be done in order to clearly identify the particular obstacles present in each country to the implementation of biogas technology in the agro-food sector, specifically for the small-scale applications for energy self-consumption.

  2. To develop sustainable business collaboration models (BCM) between target group and key actors, in order to foster new investments in small-scale biogas plants for agro-food waste. For the implementation of these business collaboration models, the following supporting tools will be developed:

    a. On-line software tool ‘smallBIOGAS’ for basic dimensioning and sustainability analysis of small-scale biogas installations for agro-food industries.
    b. Handbook of guidelines and recommendations for feasible waste valorisation through small-scale AD in agro-food industry.
    c. Face-to-face workshops with the entire supply chain in order to put the key actors and stakeholders together.

  3. To develop and promote small-scale AD models (<100 kW) including energy demand management models to adapt the energy production to the fluctuating demand of the manufacturing industry. The developed models will be supported by:

    a. Handbook on small-scale biogas production in agro-food industries.
    b. Case study sites open to visits.

  4. To build-up skills, awareness and networking. In order to reduce travel costs and ensure the impact after the project, a train-the-trainers model will be applied. Key actors and stakeholders will be engaged in these activities, not only by receiving the training but also by participating in the contents design and elaboration, and taking part in the networking activities parallel to the training.

    a. On-line and face-to-face training for target group.
    b. Workshops for target group and key actors.
    c. Live webinars oriented to target group and key actors.
    d. Website

  5. Set the ground for new investments through face-to-face meetings with potential AD sites, including sustainability analysis, involvement in technical tours, workshops and trainings, and promoting agreements between the target companies and key stakeholders.

Strategic objectives (for the longer term - to 2020):

  1. To trigger investment made by the European agro-food sector in renewable energy production with small-scale biogas plants for energy self-consumption.
  2. To increase the renewable energy production from biogas with small-scale concepts for energy self-sufficiency.
  3. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions due to the consumption of renewable energy sources and to the adequate waste management.
  4. To increase governmental support to biogas technology by new regulations on energy self-sufficiency with net balance.

BIOGAS3 PROJECT - Sustainable small-scale biogas from agri-food waste for energy self-sufficiency
Intelligent Energy Europe Programme

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